Shop 4, 2105 Moggill Road, Kenmore (Cnr of Merlin Rd), QLD 4069

Tongue Twister Facts!

“Sally sells seas shells by the sea shore” is a common tongue twister that we have all attempted and from experience can be quite tricky manouvering our tongues around! But did you know that our tongue is actually a pretty interesting muscle! Here are some quick tongue twister facts you may or may not of known about your most flexible, strongest muscle in your body!

  • It is the only muscle in our human body that works without any support from our skeleton.
  • The colour of our tongue can actually tell a lot about your health! Pink= Good health, Yellow= Stomach problem and White= Fungal Infection (Grab a mirror- what colour is your tongue?)
  • Only about 2/3rd of your tongue is visible! The third is not visible and is close to the throat.
  • Everybody knows the tongue is where our tastebuds are found but we actually have tastebuds on the inside of our cheeks, rood of our mouth and lips!
  • The phrase girls rule and boys drool may of come about because on average females have shorter tongues than males!
  • We have anywhere from 3000 to 10000 taste buds allowing us to experience salty,sour,bitter, sweet and savoury food and drinks
  • Nick Stoeberl, 26, currently holds the Guinness World Record for world’s longest tongue — a whopping 3.97 inches (10.0838cm) from tip to closed lip. (Sept 14, 2015)

As part of your dental check up our dentists always check the health of your tongue so next time your in ask how it is going and what colour it is!


About Polished Dental

At Polished Dental Kenmore, our goal is to offer painless, simple dental care. Whether you need a Sunday dentist or an emergency dentist, our practice is conveniently situated in the the City of Brisbane, and is easily accessible for individuals in the surrounding areas.

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