Why Does Polished Dental Refer to Dental Specialists?

Our practice, Polished Dental Group is a general dental practice where are main focus is to provide a high quality of general dental treatment from preventative to restorative, extractions and minor orthodontics. Each of our dentists have completed a Bachelor of Dentistry through The University of QLD which is a 4 year full time course on general dentistry and have continued to attend lectures and courses regularly to update their knowledge, skills and interests. We do also refer to dental specialists depending on the circumstances. 

“So, why have I received a referral to dental specialists?”  As you can imagine, dentistry is more than just counting and filling teeth!  the knowledge, talent and passion to even do simple procedures is very high and just like with other jobs and careers, some people go on to do further study in areas that interest them or when they’ve discovered a talent in a certain area. General dentistry covers preventative and oral health care, restorative, extractions, endodontics (Root canal therapy), Costmetic procedures, dentures and other removable appliances. Once these extra talented dentists have completed further study in their chosen field they are then given the title of Dental Specialist and are then able to work with and assist our dentists for when a patient presents with a case that is a bit more complicated and outside the realm of general dentistry.

 “What happens now?”  Once referred to the chosen specialist, your records including xrays may be transferred so they are available at your consultation appointment. You will be assessed and provided with the treatment option/s you have available to you, it will then be discussed with you what your ideal outcome is and what needs to be done from there. Specialist treatment can be expensive, but this is because you are requiring and receiving treatment that is more involved and complicated than what we can provide for you here at Polished. Each of the specialists we refer to are very good at giving all costs up front so nothing is hidden or a surprise at the end of treatment and are more than happy to answer any question that you have. After this initial consultation communication is made between their office and ours about what options you have been presented with and how you are choosing to proceed so that we are updated on what treatment you are/arent receiving and when you can return to your regular care at our practice.

“What type of dental specialists do you refer to?”

Below are some of the specialists we refer to:

  1. Endodontist – An endodontist has gone on to do further study in the area of root canal therapy (RCT) and is an expert on addressing issues involving the nerve and dental pulp.
  2. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon- If you have been referred to an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, know that you are in the presence dental royalty! Not only have they completed a Dental degree but also a Medical degree, we refer to them when we have patients requiring difficult extractions, cleft pallet or lip surgery and for facial reconstruction.
  3. Oral Pathologist- Their focus is on the soft tissues in the mouth and are qualified to perform biopsies.
  4. Periodontist- Are the gum gurus of the dental world. Their passion is to prevent, diagnose and treat periodontal (gum) disease. They can also do complex implant cases.
  5. Paediatric Dentist- Despite our best efforts sometimes when children present to us they are just not willing to be cooperative or their dental condition is quite severe or not been treated early enough that they require treatment under general anaesthetic.
  6. Orthodontist- While Sang is able to provide treatment for minor cases of teeth straightening, we have orthodontists who are able to handle the more complex cases where the jaw may require more movement or

“I still have questions?” We understand it can be overwhelming going and seeing somebody new, we try to pre-answer any questions you may have by giving you as much information as we can when we discuss and provide you with the referral. If you find you still have questions you would like answered or even want to come in and have a chat after your consultation with the specialist we are more than happy to sit down with you and make sure you are fully informed about what options you have been provided with.

Lastly, remember when Andrew, Sang or Montana refer you to a specialist- we have chosen them specifically for you as we know that we are putting you in the hands of somebody who excels in their field and that we trust them to treat and care for you as much as we do. Contact us if you have any questions! 

About Polished Dental

At Polished Dental Kenmore, our goal is to offer painless, simple dental care. Whether you need a Sunday dentist or an emergency dentist, our practice is conveniently situated in the the City of Brisbane, and is easily accessible for individuals in the surrounding areas.

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