Shop 4, 2105 Moggill Road, Kenmore (Cnr of Merlin Rd), QLD 4069

Preventative care

Preventive care in a nutshell

  • Our examinations are extremely comprehensive and allow you to have your head and neck, tongue, gums and of course teeth professionally checked.


  • We also use this opportunity to take photos of all the areas mentioned to ensure we are keeping track of any changes over time.


  • Routine check-up xrays are generally recommended every few years for the same reason and can be taken quickly and with low-dose radiation with our digital system.

Routine dental appointments are vital for oral health

Initial and periodic (6 monthly) examinations

Routine check-up xrays

Preventive dentistry is the key to easier, less expensive, pain-free dentistry – something dentists and patients love alike!

As many dental conditions such as gum disease and even cavities may not necessarily be felt by you as discomfort, we strongly encourage regular check-ups so we can provide you with any tips on areas to focus on or be wary.

Ready to talk to a dentist about preventative care? Make an appointment to talk to one of our experienced dentists today!



At Polished Dental, we accept all major private health funds. We are proud to be Preferred Providers for several major funds, to give our patients access to the highest rebates possible.

Meet the Dentists


Send an enquiry and our friendly staff will get in touch!